Biography of a Freelance Artist: Alexia Veldhuisen

Alexia Veldhuisen was born and raised
in Amsterdam. For many years she worked at
Gojoker Strips & Comics, the best comic shop in town.
Pursuing her life long dream of becoming a comic book
artist, she moved to the US. She is a graduate of the
world-renowned comic book program The Kubert School,
where she was awarded the Dave Simons Memorial
Scholarship for her achievements in inking.

Next to comic art, traditional and digital painting,
she enjoys coffee, video games and “normal” books.
She dreams of telling her own stories and
secretly being a master samurai.

Her work can be found in the following titles by Sinopa Publishing:

Tarot Adventures, Book Two: Comet over Echo Rock

47 Furious Tails (Comic book re-telling of the Ako Incident)

From the Founder:

Alexia first agreed to do freelance work for Sinopa Publishing LLC in 2017.
She has shown herself to be a remarkably professional person, pleasant to work with, and to be insightful in her questions.  Her work is critically important to the projects she takes on, and I have complete faith in her capabilities.

An example of Alexia's great talent!

cover for 47 Furious Tails Issue One

KickStarter backer poster for 47 Furious Tails campaign
Yoshio from 47 Furious Tails
Character illustration

During an interview I was asked: "If you can any artist, any artist at all, to illustrate your comic; who would it be?"  My reply was, "Alexia Veldhuisen, she has a passion for the samurai epic that is unmatched, a terrific work ethic and is the only person I want drawing this comic."

You can find more art by Alexia through the following links:
On Facebook:  HERE
On Instagram:  HERE

W.S. Quinton
Founder, Manager, Executive Officer
Sinopa Publishing LLC

1 comment:

  1. Hello. I recently found this comic book and missed the kickstarter for issues #1&2. I saw that there was a tshirt made of some of the characters. Are these shirts still available for purchase?
